Forgot Password

📌 Steps to reset your password in case you forget it.

Open the CustomGPT website incase you forget the password by clicking here.

  1. Click on the "Forgot password" option.
Forgot password
  1. Enter the "Email" associated with your account.
Enter the your Email
  1. Select the "Send Reset Link" option.
Select the Send Reset Link option
  1. Check your Email inbox for a password reset link.
Check your Email inbox
  1. Click on the "Reset Password"' option by opening the link and you will be redirected to CustomGPT website's homepage.
Check your Email inbox
  1. Choose a "New password" and confirm it by selecting the "Set new password" option.
Choose a New password


Congratulations! Your account password has been successfully reset, and you may now log in to your CustomGPT account ✔