SSO Setup with Google workspace

Learn how to add to your Google Workspace through your identity provider settings. Follow our step-by-step guide for a seamless setup.

Step 1: Login into Google Admin Console.

a) Go to Menu->Apps->Web and mobile apps

b) Click Add App->Add custom SAML app and enter the app name.

Download the IDP Metadata

a) Click Continue.

b) Download the IDP metadata.

Step 3: Upload File on SSO form in

a) Upload this file on SSO form in in Load SAML2 Configuration section

b) Click Continue.

Step 4: Fill ACS URL and Entity ID

a) Fill ACS URL and Entity ID with values from Customgpt SSO page (in the top of page)

From here:


b) Click Continue.

c) Click ADD MAPPING. Fill values โ€œPrimary email -> emailโ€ and โ€œFirst name -> firstNameโ€

Step 5: Save the Changes

a) Click FINISH

b) Click on "User access card" and Turn On your new app.


Congratulations! You have successfully enabled SSO.