How to Install the Official WordPress Plugin
Learn how to easily install and activate the official plugin on your WordPress website. Follow these step-by-step instructions to connect your agent seamlessly.
Step 1: Go to your WordPress Website
a) Go to your WordPress Website and make sure you’re logged in as an administrator.

Step 2: Go to Plugins Page
a) On the left sidebar find Plugins and click on "Add New".

Step 3: Search for plugin
a) Type “CustomGPT” in the search bar.

b) After our plugin is visible on the screen, click "Install Now"

Step 4: Activate the Plugin
a) Once installation is complete, click on "Activate".

Step 5: Open the Plugin
a) Once the plugin is activated, go to the left sidebar, navigate to "Settings" and select ""

Step 6: Enter Agent Details
a) Enter these two values: "Agent ID" and "Agent Key" into appropriate fields under the Agent Details section. You can find these values in your Agent Deployment Settings.

b) After you’re done, click "Save Changes".

Congratulations! You've successfully installed and configured the plugin on your WordPress website, enabling seamless integration with your AI agent.
Updated 13 days ago