How to Change the "I don't know the answer" message

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to change the "I don't know the answer" message.

Step 1: Sign in

a) Sign in to

Step 2: Navigate to AI Agent Settings

a) Click on "AI Agent Settings".

AI Agent Settings

Step 3: Access Citation Settings

a) Click on "Citation Settings".


Step 4: Change the "I don't know the answer" Message

a) Locate the Change "I don't know the answer" message section.

I don't know the answer section

b) Type your desired "I don't know the answer" message.

I don't know message

Step 5: Save Changes

a) Click on "Save Changes".

Save setting


Congratulations! You have successfully changed the "I don't know the answer" message for your AI Agent. This customization allows you to provide a more tailored and helpful response when your AI Agent encounters queries it cannot answer. ✔