How to Change the Background Image

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to change the background image for your AI Agent.

Step 1: Sign in

a) Sign in to Sign in Panel

Step 2: Navigate to Project Settings

a) Click on "Project Settings".

Project Settings

Step 3: Go to AI Agent Settings

a) Click on "AI Agent".

AI Agent

Step 4: Access User Experience (UX)

a) Click on "User Experience (UX)".

User Experience (UX)

Step 5: Upload Your Image

a) Scroll down to locate the "Background image" section.

Background image

b) Click on "Change Image".

Change Image

c) Select the desired background image that you want to use for your AI Agent.

Change background image

d) Click on "Open".

Open Image

Step 6: Save Changes

a) Click on "Save Changes".

Change Image


Congratulations! You have successfully changed the background image for your AI Agent. This customization can help improve the user experience and give your AI Agent a unique appearance ✔